Welcome! Yes, I really AM for future... and this is why: My motivation is to help building an even better world with Additive Manufacturing/3D-Technology and all it's benefits PLUS a special focus on people with a handicap in the back of my mind (my daughter with the Down Syndrom). There is a lot to do, so I took the first step from where I am right now (a creative engineer, who just stopped running his own drum school after 18 years...) to make life more wonderful with my passion about AM/3D-Technology. I started printing 3D-Drums in 2019 and getting others to help me on this adventure in 2022. I visited "formnext" - THE 3D-Printing fair in Germany... and handed out a little flyer about my vision... then the 3D-Olympics started... and I just came out of a professional studio checking out my first set of 3d-printed 24" bass drums. Stay tuned, I just got started...
If you feel like helping me or working together... talk to me NOW. Oliver 3Deeg, Freiburg - Germany.